1プレイにつき 100LP(リフトルポイント)~
4G LTE/Wi-Fi推奨
OS Android OS 5.0以降
The number of items in online crane games in Japan!
[For online crane games (oncre), LIFT. (Liftle)! ! ]
・ You can play the same crane game with your smartphone on your smartphone.
・ LIFT. (Liftle) There are many exclusive prizes!
・ New prizes appear every day!
・ A lot of "takoyaki stand" which is easy for beginners is safe!
-You can play anywhere anytime (LTE is OK!)
・ The obtained prizes are carefully packed and sent out promptly. (Shipped twice a week)
・ Get LP (Liftle Point) with new member registration now! (When phone number authentication is completed)
● LIFT. How to play (liftle)
・ Tap your favorite prize!
・ Play from 100LP (liftle point) per play.
-There is also a lift point acquisition platform and the chance to increase points!
● Japan free shipping
The obtained prizes will be immediately delivered free of charge throughout Japan! (Shipped twice a week)
LIFT. Then I keep careful packing in mind.
● Service provider
Midas Entertainment Inc.
● Official site
● Official Twitter
Account: @ liftlemidasent1
● Price
App body: Free
100LP (liftle point) per play
Please be sure to check the terms of use before using.
● Recommended environment
4G LTE / Wi-Fi recommended
* About communication delay
"LIFT. ] Is a game that performs video distribution and operation communication in real time and plays while operating the actual crane game machine.
Due to the characteristics of the game, if the communication environment is unstable, there may be a delay in video and operation.
Be careful when moving or when operating from a place where the communication environment is unstable.
* Overseas shipping is not supported at this time.
* The number of items in Japan is based on our research as of February 25, 2020
● Supported OS
OS Android OS 5.0 or later